
We’re assuming you aren’t actively looking for a new job, but we’re also assuming you would consider another job opportunity if it would increase your current standard of living and advance your career to the next level. This is why many organizations retain our services to fill their labor relations positions, because we are connected with individuals like yourself.

We also take pride in the fact we don’t waste our clients’ nor our candidates’ time or energy. We work directly with the hiring team, we understand labor (remember, labor relations is all we do) and assist the hiring team to quickly fill their labor relation position(s).

We also understand our candidates are happily employed professionals, who typically aren’t actively looking for a new role but are open to hearing about potential career opportunities.

We also believe the best hires come from referrals and our growing network of labor relations professionals has generated a fantastic referral resource.

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Need help fine tuning your resume? Want to polish up on your interview skills?

No problem, Serrano Search has you covered. Our team has many years of recruiting experience, and would enjoy assisting you as you prepare to take the next steps in your career.

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